日時Date and Time:2023年7月15日 10:00~11:30 Saturday, July 15, 2023 10:00 a.m. − 11:30 a.m.
場所Venue:あびこ市民プラザ 多目的ホール Abiko Civic Plaza Multi-Purpose Hall
参加者Participants:26名(学習者・ボランティア講師) 26 people (students and volunteer teachers)26 people (students and volunteer teachers)
In AIRA Japanese Class, lessons are usually given in small groups but on the last day of the first term all the students and teachers got together and held Otanoshimi-kai, a fun party, and had a great time. (No.23-9)
日時Date:2023年6月27日(火)18:30~20:40 Tuesday, June 27, 2023 18:30 ~ 20:40
場所Venue:あびこ市民プラザ 多目的ホール、会議室1 Abiko Civic Plaze Multipurpose Hall, Meeting Room #1
講師Lecturer:ミハイル・アレクセーエフ氏 Dr. Mikhail Alexseev
米国サンディエゴ州立大学政治学部教授 Professor, San Diego State University, Faculty of Political Science
講師紹介Introduction of Lecturer:川久保 文紀氏 中央学院大学法学部教授(副学長)Dr. KAWAKUBO Fuminori, Vice President and Professor of Chuo Gakuin University, Faculty of Law
通訳Interpreter:竹内 雅俊氏 東洋学園大学グローバル・コミュニケーション学部准教授 Mr. TAKEUCHI Masatoshi, Associate Professor, Toyo Gakuin University, Faculty of Global Communication
参加者Participants:80名(53名・スタッフ27名)80 people ( 53 people, 27 staff)
AIRA sent translators to help the students of Northern Arizona University (NAU) experience Japanese cultures in Abiko City. (No.23-5)
日本文化体験内容及び通訳派遣日The dates of their cultural experiences with AIRA translators
・習字:2023年6月10日(土)Japanese calligraphy : Saturday, June 10th, 2023
・着物着付け:6月11日(日)Kimono wearing : Sunday, June 11
・生け花:6月13日(火)Ikebana : Tuesday, June 13
・ビデオ編集:6月14日(水)Video editing : Wednesday, June 14