AIRA’s Japanese language instructor training program started on 15th of October.
This program initially started in 1994, two years later from the foundation of AIRA . The class opened irregularly at that time.(No.18-10 )
Date : October 15th , 2018
Venue : 13-A seminar room of the Main building A, Chuo Gakuin University
Instructors : Ms.Reiko Arita and others from Intercultural Institute of Japan
AIRA’s attendees : Ms. Kitajima (Vice President), Mr. Hayasaka (Chief of Cross-Cultural Activity),Ms . Komiyama, Ms. Matsushita (Volunteer instructors) ,Ms.Sakazume, Ms.Araki (Secretariat)
Venue : 13-A seminar room of the Main building A, Chuo Gakuin University
Instructors : Ms.Reiko Arita and others from Intercultural Institute of Japan
AIRA’s attendees : Ms. Kitajima (Vice President), Mr. Hayasaka (Chief of Cross-Cultural Activity),Ms . Komiyama, Ms. Matsushita (Volunteer instructors) ,Ms.Sakazume, Ms.Araki (Secretariat)
In response to the request by the local government, AIRA has provided this instructor training program every other year since 2006 .Those who finish this course will serve as volunteer instructors for the Japanese language class on Tuesday and Saturday to foreigners living in this city. The number of the foreigners living in Japan has been on the rise for the recent years, but the number of volunteer Japanese instructors of AIRA is insufficient to teach Japanese to the detail.
14 persons applied for this program,10 from Abiko, 2 each from Toride and Nagareyama , our neighboring cities.
This program is useful to train Japanese language volunteer instructors for not only Abiko but also other areas.
This program is useful to train Japanese language volunteer instructors for not only Abiko but also other areas.
Prior to the class, Ms. Sakazume gave some instructions about the class, Ms. Kitajima gave rough explanation about the class, and Mr. Hayasaka working for the university explained how to use the building.
The first class was a lecture titled “Partners learning together”, the role of the Japanese language education in local society. AIRA ’s volunteer instructor, Ms. Komiyama gave description about AIRA ’s Japanese language class, the contents taught in the lass, and activities including the AIRA Festival. which foreign students take part in. Teaching knowledge is not enough to make the class worth to attend. “Repetition of both teaching the class and reflecting yourself on the class will enhance your ability in thinking ”, said by Ms. Reiko Arita from Intercultural Institute of Japan.