Date and Time: Sunday, February 2, 2025 2:00 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
Venue: Room 1, Abiko Civic Plaza
Participants: 18 people (13managers and 5 AIRA staff members) (No.24-21)
The managers of AIRA Foreign Language Courses play an important role in connecting the AIRA office and the classes. To ensure smooth management it is essential for them to keep close communication with each other. As Fiscal Year 2024 is coming to a close and the managers in some classes will be changing, a meeting of the representatives was held.
The agenda was:
1. Foreign language courses scheduled to open in FY 2025
2. Confirmation of “the guidelines for selecting courses”
3. Roles of class managers
4. Questions and requests
Mr. Uehara, the Training Department Manager, moderated the meeting. Following a word by Ms. Kitajima, Vice President, the participants introduced themselves and their respective classes.
The following are the questions and requests from the participants.
1. How to secure venues for the classes
2. Ways to inform the students of sudden class cancellations and changes of the venues, such as through email and Line
3. Ways to advertise the courses using SNS and blogs
AIRA offers conversation courses in seven languages at various levels, from beginner to advanced, with reasonable fees. Students learn practical conversation from instructors who are flexible to listen to the students’ needs and requests. AIRA advertises these courses through printed materials and on its website, but the unique qualities mentioned above seem to be communicated largely through “word of mouth”.
Each course will be more appealing through the students' continuous activities.
(Translated by Chizu Yamaguchi)
Date and Time: Monday, November 4 (substitute holiday) 8:25 a.m. – 4: 50 p.m.
Venues: Kashima Jingu Shrine and Aiyu Brewery
Participants: 25 people (8 foreigners)
Under the clear autumn sky, the Cross-Cultural Activities Department and Culture Lectures for Foreigners co-hosted a memorable bus tour. (No.24-16)