May 7, 2016:The 2016 general meeting was started by an opening message by Malaysia born Ms. Insho Yamanaka. Ms. N. Adachi emceed all through the session.
Date/time: Saturday, May 7, 2016 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m.
Venue: Multi-purpose Hall, Civic Plaza
Attendants: 57 in total; directors, executives, honorable president, advisors, and AIRA members
Following the first speaker, AIRA President Mr. T. Sugano, Honorable President Mr. J. Hoshino, and Chairperson of the municipal assembly Mr. M. Sakamaki gave messages. Mr. Hoshino addressed that, “It is remarkable that Abiko city has foreign children and young people with different cultures and customs who share mutual understanding and interactive experiences. I have an honor to say that AIRA is awarded a Child and Youth Support Emblem by the Cabinet by virtue of its continuing and thoughtful activities in this field.” Mr. Sakamaki praised AIRA’s contribution, saying, “Mutual understanding of respective cultures and identities is important as the faith advocated by Jigoro Kano says, “Both you and I prosper together”. I recall the curried-rice served by a family when I traveled in India in my 20s was the best one that I have ever had, because it was served in the genuine contact with local people, I believe. It is our city’s treasure that AIRA is doing various activities with heart to heart spirit.”
Then Mr. Sugano chaired to deliberate the day’s main subjects on the table. The two bills, Report on FY2015 business achievement reported by Ms. F. Kitajima, statement of account of fiscal 2015 by accountant Mr. T. Ideguchi and its audit report by auditor Mr. H. Shiga, were unanimously approved.
The third bill, a partial change of members of the board, audit, executive committee, ten members in total, was approved and new members were introduced to the attended members. Mr. Sugano added that the all three bills had been duly approved by the board meeting held on April 27.
The newly appointed president, Mr. Hideaki Sato shook hand with the retiring president Mr. Sugano on the stage then chaired for the rest of the subjects. On the fiscal 2016 planned projects he asked executive members to brief about projects of each responsible department, as undermentioned.
General Business Projects reported by Mr. K. Murakoshi, vice president
Administration department by Ms. Adachi
Public relations department by Mr. T. Nakamura
Language and culture department by Mr. K. Beppu
Exchange and community department by Mr. M. Hayasaka
Volunteer department by Mr. Y. Hesaki
The new fiscal budget plan was explained by Mr. I. Yoda.
These No. 4 and No. 5 bills were submitted for collective deliberation by the attended members.
The following subjects were reported in detail, firstly, the evening Japanese language class piloted last year was officially included in the AIRA’s general business projects as from the fiscal 2016, secondly AIRA undertakes the chairmanship of the International Relations Association Union of Tokatsu Region for one year, thirdly AIRA for the second straight year will assist visiting US students of NAU, Northern Arizona University including securing of home stay families scheduled in late June.
As to the revenue plan, 26 classes of 5 languages, Japanese language class, etc. will open as scheduled. Meanwhile the expenditure plan is similar to that of the previous year. The redemption fund deposited till last year was now appropriated for business revenue in the fiscal 2016 because no specific expensive purchase is scheduled. An item named business continuity reserve is newly budgeted to ensure continuity of business performance and systematic improvement of the AIRA home page is also added to cope with security problem.
The entire budget amount reached approximately 1.853 million yen, increased by 940 thousand versus last year resulting from increment both of the revenue and expenditure. For detail please refer the 2016 General Meeting report.
The questions raised from the floor on foreign language courses and recruiting of new members were properly answered to be studied at a separate executive meeting. The bills No.4 and 5 were unanimously approved by the members.
The general meeting was duly ended by Ms. I. Yamanaka’s closing word.
After the meeting was over Mr. M. Hayasaka announced the opening of an exchange party, followed by a toast led by Mr. Murakoshi. Enjoying popular numbers on the keyboard played by Ms. Ke Mei Ling, all members exchanged chatting over soft drinks and light meals.
On the front corner’s screen two daily news on AIRA activities televised by JCOM were shown during the chat hours, namely, “International exchange through Malaysian cooking” on April 14, and the “Child and Youth Support Emblem Presentation Ceremony” on April 13. Still pictures were also shown titled “The big stride of AIRA in fiscal 2015”, series of outstanding pictures from April 2015 to March 2016.
The familiar party was announced to be put an end by the speech of Mr. H. Sato, the new AIRA president.
(No. 16-5 Translated by T. Sugano)