April 27, 2016:The first meeting of the directors assembly was held with 22 members to deliberate on several issues for a final approval at the general assembly scheduled on May 7, 2016.
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:00p.m.-4:30p.m.
Venue: Civic Plaza, Room No.1
Members: 22
After the opening address by the president, it was reported that 8 assembly members of the total 28 were to be replaced following the provision 5 of the Articles of AIRA stipulating that the term of service is two years, however, the reappointment of the same person shall not be prohibited.
The following five subjects were explained by executive members and a secretariat member for further scrutinizing by attended members.
1. Evaluation on business achievement of FY2015
2. Examination on statement of accounts of FY2015
3. Report on the change of officers of board of directors, auditor, and executives
4. Proposed business plan for FY2016
5. Proposed budget plan for FY2016
After several questions and answers exchanged, the above five subjects were approved and taken note by the members. Considering that some of the members attended the meeting for the first time, everybody made respective introduction. One of them disclosed an episode that he had participated in some activities in the AIRA’s pioneer days. Everyone in the room introduced about what they were engaged in now, and gave comments on AIRA in general.
The first meeting last till 4:30p.m. with friendly atmosphere.
(No.16-4 Translated by T. Sugano)