参加者April 14, 2016、A variety of Malaysian family dishes was today’s specialty of the Culture Course for Foreigners. AIRA members and some citizens took part in the program.

   Date/time: Tuesday, April 14, 2016 10:00a.m.-1:00p.m.

   Venue: Kitchen at Abista

   Leader: Ms. Insho Yamanaka/Malaysian and AIRA Japanese class student

   Participants: 21 and 5 AIRA staff (Matsuki, Oosaki, Aburano, Sakazume, Araki)

Ms. Yamanaka, leader of the cooking, with three assistants Ms. Rei Matsumoto, Ms. He Xiu Ju, and Ms. Azaria Kadoguchi led the class. Ms. Matsuki introduced leaders, then Ms. Yamanaka briefly explained how to cook dishes then participants were divided into six small groups.

The day’s menu is composed of three dishes, Seafood Laksa as main dish, Bobocha as desert, and Rojak as salad. The way of cooking of each dish is as follows.

1. Laksa Laksa is a sort of noodle with soup like Japanese Ramen and so popular that many kinds of Laksa are enjoyed everywhere in the country same as the locally-famed ramen in Japan. This is a dish of thinly made noodles with spicy soup, thick and oily taste of it is particularly popular among people. Today’s specialty is seafood taste. Participants at the every group were doing their best to proceed good ones amid the smell of shrimp paste filled in the room. The knack of the best cooking is to grill ingredients well with laksa until the surface gets burned.


2. Bobocha (Momo chacha) This is a kind of local porridge, Bubur, with cha cha of, meaning “lots of”, ingredients. This is a popular desert full of tapioca, sweet potato, pumpkin, taro, etc. mixed in coconut milk, with hot and cold types, both of which are very popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Recipe: First boil rectangularly cut vegetables, taro, pumpkin and sweet potato, then add tapioca dipped into water in advance, and coconut milk. Soon take out the pan from the fire, put boiled dumplings of katakuriko starch. Everybody was full and happy with the hot type of bobocha today.

3. Roja The recipe of salad roja is easy, i.e., mix pineapple, mango, cucumber, etc. with pitch-black sweet sour source, then put ebisen, rice-cracker with dried shrimp, and smashed peanuts on it. Roja is explained as a popular light snack. One of the assistants Ms. He skillfully pealed pineapple in the manner to peal the whole rind then cut off remaining peel slantly along spines, which made everyone eat easily without feeling slight ache.


J:COM TV covered the cooking class for its evening program titled, “An international exchange by Malaysian cooking”.        (No. 16-3 Translated by T. Sugano)

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