AIRA participated in the ABIKO City’s “Antenna Shop” in Marunouchi,Tokyo
Date: December 9-10, 2015 11:00a.m.-7:30p.m.
Venue: “City Eye” on B1 floor of Marunouchi KITTE Bldg. Tokyo
Attendees: Messrs. Hayasaka, Hesaki, Kadota and Nakamura
Chiba Prefecture set up temporarily an antenna shop called Chiba I-CHI-BA (Chiba’s Market), a kind of showroom testing sales of local specialties, aiming to appeal the attraction of the prefecture. Abiko City participated in the event, in which AIRA exhibited panels showing its activities as one of organizations in the city, jointly with other entities such as “the Abiko Furusato-Sampin-Ikusei-Kyogikai” (Council for the Promotion of Local Specialties), Chuo Gakuin University (CGU) and Kawamura Gakuen Woman’sUniversity(KGWU).
Since the event site was close to Tokyo Station, visitors were mainly office workers and tourists. Some of them asked us “Where is Abiko City? Fortunately our neighboring booth was CGU, commonly known as an university regularly run in Hakone Ekiden (a long distance relay race), therefore we explained them that Abiko was a city where CGU was located. In many cases they got it.
On December 10th, KGWU appealed the city by carrying out sales of their originally-made tomato jams with its sample tasting and playing hand bell performances by its club members.
AIRA introduced the activities for the last one year on a large display screen in the event hall and also explained their works at the booth. Many participating groups campaigned their local products in the event, however, AIRA appealed its activities that made consequently foreign people feel secured living in the city as one of attractive features of Abiko City.
(No.15-18 Translated by Y. Hesaki)