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Abiko International Relations Association

AIRA Activities

AIRA activity report

AIRA Dispatches Instructors to Kawamura Gakuen Woman’s University for Future Teachers

DSC_0457With the increase of foreigners coming to live in Japan, the number of their children
transferring or entering new schools is also increasing. Due to the difference of their
language, culture and lifestyle, misunderstanding or confusion is likely to occur at schools. Under these circumstances, AIRA gave a lecture on “How to Proceed with Japanese Language Education” at the request of Kawamura Gakuen Woman’s University.  (No.21-12)

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Roundtable with students who have joined in volunteering

202109011Seven students have been participating in the planning of the “Abiko International Festival” scheduled in November. The purpose of the festival is to promote exchange and friendship between citizens and foreigners living in Abiko. The roundtable was held so that the students might understand the background of AIRA’s establishment as well as its roles and activities. (No.21-9)

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AIRA Assists Slovenian National Team in Pre-Games Training Camp

202107251Women’s Judo and Men’s Taekwondo teams of the Republic of Slovenia had a pre-games training camp in Abiko for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Also, an exchange meeting was held for the women’s judo team members who had finished the matches in the Olympics and young people of Abiko who are practicing judo. AIRA dispatched interpreters in order to support the team members during their stay. (No.21-8)

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