AIRA participated in the ABIKO City’s “Antenna Shop” in Marunouchi,Tokyo
Date: December 9-10, 2015 11:00a.m.-7:30p.m.
Venue: “City Eye” on B1 floor of Marunouchi KITTE Bldg. Tokyo
Attendees: Messrs. Hayasaka, Hesaki, Kadota and Nakamura
Chiba Prefecture set up temporarily an antenna shop called Chiba I-CHI-BA (Chiba’s Market), a kind of showroom testing sales of local specialties, aiming to appeal the attraction of the prefecture. Abiko City participated in the event, in which AIRA exhibited panels showing its activities as one of organizations in the city, jointly with other entities such as “the Abiko Furusato-Sampin-Ikusei-Kyogikai” (Council for the Promotion of Local Specialties), Chuo Gakuin University (CGU) and Kawamura Gakuen Woman’sUniversity(KGWU).
Kindergarten Kids Enjoy Bamboo Dance
Date/time: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m.
Venue: Kashiwa Midori Kindergarten, Kashiwa
Volunteers: AIRA Cultural Dance Group Members (Ms. Imerda Ono, Ms. Yukie Shimada)
Kashiwa Midori Kindergarten implements a program for kids to let them choose any item out of three events, bamboo dance, Japanese dram wadaiko, and wild-horse-dance, and perform in a finishing stage.
Stimulated by a TV program of bamboo dance for one thing, teachers wished to let kids see and practice a real dance for the other. In response to their request AIRA members visited and played with them, which was the second time since last year.
The 24th Abiko International Festival 2015
Date: Sunday, November 29, 2015
Venue: Hall, gallery and salon of Abiko Civic Plaza (Abiko Shopping Center)
The 24th AIRA festival was specially marked by the 45th anniversary of Abiko since its organization as a city.
The main theme of this year’s festival was titled “Tiny Exchanges Make Deeper Understanding”, and the festival was aimed to promote mutual understanding of all people, in and out of Abiko, through interactive exchange on culture and customs.
AIRA interpreters supported “15th JBF-Japan Bird Festival-2015”
Date/time: October 31 and November 1, 2015. 9:30a.m.-4:00p.m.
Location: Teganuma Shinsui Hiroba (Aquatic Park) and other secondary locations
Voluntary interpreters: R. Hama, Y. Hesaki, S. Hujii, M. Kurata, K. Nakayama, T. Sugano, and Penny Lie)