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Abiko International Relations Association

AIRA Activities

AIRA activity report

Lecture at Abiko Senior High School 2017

17101120Abiko Senior High School that wants to promote developing global human resources requested AIRA to dispatch a person who can give a lecture on the experiences residing abroad. AIRA sent one of the members who lived in foreign countries for a long time as a lecturer.(No. 17-14)

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The 19 th Abiko International Speech Contest  2017

17092401The 19th Abiko International Speech Contest was held co-hosted by Abiko City and AIRA and 15 participants made their speeches. Also, with the Tokyo Olympics coming up in three years, a lecture under the title of “The Olympics and Jigoro Kano” was given by Professor Masaki Fujiwara. (No.17-11)

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