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Abiko International Relations Association

AIRA Activities

AIRA activity report

2016Homestay Program of Taiwanese High School Students

見送り鳥の博物館駐車場Homestay Program of Taiwanese High School Students

Thirty three Taiwanese students of National Hualien Commercial Vocational High School       visited Abiko City as part of their education program in Japan, in accordance with Chiba Prefectural Office’s request to Abiko City. Answering to the request, AIRA accepted 1 night-2days homestay program.

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16.12 AIRA makes a contribution to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology

贈呈壬生理事長村越副会長AIRA has been making a donation to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology to support their activities to breed Short-Tailed Albatross (Aho-dori). AIRA sold “Aho-dori Manju” (aho-dori branded Japanese sweet bun) at the 25th Abiko International Festival on November 28, 2016 and the proceeds were donated to the Institute together with private contributions made by AIRA members.

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16.12 Panel Discussion “This Is How I Learned Japanese!”

5人のゲスト講師Date & Time: Saturday, December 10   2 p.m.~4:00 p.m.

Venue: Grand Hall, Abiko Civic Plaza

Guest Panelists: Ms. Ena Sano (El Salvador), Ms. Maria Theresa Ozawa (Columbia), Ms. Wasana Kida(Thailand), Ms. Zhan Hua,(張華 China), Mr. Joerg Roth(Germany)

Participants: Mr. Hesaki, chief of AIRA Volunteer Activity Dep., volunteer teachers and students of AIRA Japanese Language Course and others. 42 people in total (including 8 foreigners).

AIRA has Japanese language classes on Tuesday morning, Friday evening and Saturday morning. Volunteer teachers teach foreigners from the basic to intermediate level of Japanese in those classes.

On this day teachers held “Panel Discussion for Better Japanese Teaching” to seek for more effective teaching ways that meet foreigners’ needs.

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16.12 Let’s Experience Japan’s Traditional New Year Plays

日本のお正月体験参加者A special class “Let’s experience traditional plays in Japan’s New Year Holidays” was held by the Tuesday class members as the year-end combined cession. The class was opened by an explanatory speech by Ms. Y. Watanabe, saying “We celebrate Oshogatsu, New Year, in January in Japan. Today we wish you would enjoy kids’ plays in the Oshogatsu season.” The program proceeded as follows:

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