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Abiko International Relations Association

AIRA Activities

AIRA activity report

Welcome Party for Northern Arizona University Students

学生と研修団一行Eight students who are studying Japanese language at Northern Arizona University (NAU) led by Ms. Mary Adachi, professor at NAU, visited Abiko city in early June. NAU students’ visit to Abiko was the second time following last year. June 4, 2016、AIRA held a welcome party and secured families for their home-stay experiences.

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2016 NAU Students and Host Families Talk about Homestay

研修団一行As previously reported, the students from Northern Arizona University (NAU) came to Japan at the beginning of June. (See H/P No.16-9 “Welcome Party for NAU Students” ).They learned Japanese cultures such as flower arrangement and calligraphy in Abiko and visited several cities in Kansai area including Hiroshima. After that they came back to Abiko and stayed with host families for three nights and four days. June 27, 2016、On this day they got together to share their experiences with each other.

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Participates in the "Shukatsu" Event


In the hall and gallery of Abiko Civic plaza, one of the authorized NPO “Shukatsu Support Center (Support for Making Ready for Life-Ending)” held a Shukatsu event named "The autumn cultural festival of Shukatsu University", with the theme of "Let’s make senior life more fruitful !" (September 5, 2016)

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