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Abiko International Relations Association

AIRA Activities

AIRA activity report

The 24th Abiko International Festival 2015

The 24th Abiko International Festival 2015

みんなで踊ろう!Date: Sunday, November 29, 2015

Venue: Hall, gallery and salon of Abiko Civic Plaza (Abiko Shopping Center)

 The 24th AIRA festival was specially marked by the 45th anniversary of Abiko since its organization as a city.

 The main theme of this year’s festival was titled “Tiny Exchanges Make Deeper Understanding”, and the festival was aimed to promote mutual understanding of all people, in and out of Abiko, through interactive exchange on culture and customs.


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15.9 The 17th Abiko International Speech Contest

The 17th Abiko International Speech Contest

大会出演者と審査員の皆さんDate/Time: Sunday, September 27, 2015

Venue: Abiko Civic Plaza Hall

MC: Mr. Koji Ishihara, Ms. Holland Serra (British nationality)

  This year’s speech contest was marked by a special competition commemorating the 70th anniversary after the end of WW II. It also included Abiko city’s 30th anniversary of Peace Declaration, as well as the 45th anniversary of this city’s establishment. In this respect, each speech had concept or spirit of “Peace”. Eleven people volunteered for participating in the contest, namely 4 junior high school students, 4 university students, and 3 adult citizens.

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