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Abiko International Relations Association


Saturday Japanese Class “Otanoshimi-kai”

202307151Date and Time:  Saturday, July 15, 2023   10:00 a.m.­­ − 11:30 a.m.

Venue:  Abiko Civic Plaza  Multi-Purpose Hall

Participants: 26 people (students and volunteer teachers)

In AIRA Japanese Class, lessons are usually given in small groups but on the last day of the first term all the students and teachers got together and held Otanoshimi-kai, a fun party, and had a great time. (No.23-9)

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202306271Date :     Tuesday, June 27, 2023 18:30 ~ 20:40

Venue :    Abiko Civic Plaze  Multipurpose Hall,  Meeting Room #1

Lecturer :  Dr. Mikhail Alexseev

Professor, San Diego State University, Faculty of Political Science   

Introduction of Lecturer: Dr. KAWAKUBO Fuminori, Vice President and Professor of Chuo Gakuin University, Faculty of Law

Interpreter :  Mr. TAKEUCHI Masatoshi, Associate Professor, Toyo Gakuin University, Faculty of Global Communication

Participants  :  80 people  ( 53 people, 27 staff)

Prof. KASWAKUBO of Chuo Gakuin University initially proposed AIRA to hold a lecture.  The theme would be “war and peace” reflecting the current situation in Ukraine, which would be very timely, because 16 months have past since Russian invasion of Ukraine started.  AIRA decided to hold the lecture with Dr. KAWAKUBO’s laboratory jointly.  AIRA considered that thinking about peace was closely related to both “Abiko City’s peace promotion project” and the best timing of thinking about peace.  (No. 23-7)

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