The General Assembly of AIRA (Abiko International Relations Association) was held in order to report and share the information about its management and activities as well as to decide the new year’s policy
日 時:2023年4月28日(金)13:30~14:40
場 所:あびこ市民プラザ 多目的ホール
司 会:足達総務部会長 開会・閉会の言葉:邢 凱鈞 xing kai jun(中央学院大学留学生・中国出身)
総会終了後、コロナ禍で中止になっていた交流パーティが同所で行われました。 早坂交流部会長の司会進行で木村顧問の開会の言葉と乾杯の音頭で会は始まりました。AIRAのPR映像やAIRAの一年間の活動映像が曲とともに流れる中で、会員等の語らいが久しぶりに行われました。大村副会長の閉会の言葉で交流パーティは閉会となりました。
<English 英訳>
Date & time: Friday, April 28th, 2023 13:30~14:40
Venue: Abiko Civic Plaza Multi-Purpose Hall
Participants: Approx. 40 people
AIRA Directors/Auditors, Mr. Hoshino (Mayor of Abiko City), Mr. Kai (Chairman of Abiko City Council), Mr. Kimura (Chairman of Standing Committee of Affairs and Planning of Abiko City Council) and AIRA members
Emcee: Ms. Adachi (Director of Administration)
Declaration of opening/closing: Mr. Xing Kai Jun (International student of Chuo Gakuin University, from China)
The AIRA General Assembly was held this year in the same manner as the one held before COVID-19 with preventive measures against the infection since the action restrictions due to the pandemic have been relaxed.
The assembly began with Mr. Xing’s opening declaration and was emceed by Ms. Adachi.
President Kitajima, Mayor Hoshino and City Council Chairman Kai made short speeches. Then, President Kitajima took the chair and deliberation started. The deliberation matters and reports are as follows;
・Bill No.1: “ FY2022 Business Reports” by Mr. Murakoshi, Vice President
・Bill No.2: “FY2022 Accounts Settlement “ by Mr.Yoda, Accountant
Mr. Terai, Auditor, reported that the result of the audit was appropriate.
- Collective deliberation was conducted for the bills No.1 & No.2.
A participant asked about how the donation for Yamashina Institute for Ornithology was handled in the financial statement. Chairman Kitajima responded that the donation was made by AIRA officers and not accounted in the statements.
[Correction] Actually, the donation consisted of both the money collected at “Albatross donation” at the International Festival and the money donated by AIRA officers.
Both bills were approved.
・Bill No.3: “ Change of Director/Auditor/ Officer (Draft)” by Chairman Kitajima. Approved.
・Bill No.4: “FY2023 Business Plan (Draft)” by VP Hesaki, for the whole project and by each Department Director for the individual business. (Refer to the attached Officers list)
・Bill No.5: “FY2023 Business Budget (Draft)” by Accountant Yoda.
- Collective deliberation was conducted for the bills No.4 & No.5 and approved.
All deliberations on the above bills were completed. As a reporting matter, Honorary President and Auditor were introduced. With Mr. Xing’s closing declaration, the assembly was completed.
After the assembly, an exchange party was held at the same venue, which had been suspended due to COVID-19. The party was emceed by Mr. Hayasaka, Director of Cross-Cultural Activities. Mr. Kimura made an opening address and proposed a toast. After a long time, all the participants enjoyed talking with each other while the videos introducing AIRA and its activities through the year were being shown. The party was closed with VP Omura’s words.
(Translated by NAKAJIMA Katsumi)
(別紙 Attached sheet)役員 Officers list